So the OEM VIP version of the Elgrand has lots of chrome. Way too much. But for the usual standard Highway Star versions, Nissan also released "Urban Chrome" versons, where much of the chrome bits - noticeably the wheels, headlights, and tailights (for some reason NOT the door handles or window frames) are darkened chrome.
Since I don't like excessive chrome, and my goal is an Elgrand VIP Nismo version, the bright chrome has to come off.
Hence I got the rear tailights and wheels swapped out for the urban chrome during my last visit to Nissan Prince Fukushima, as I posted earlier. But even on the way home, I was already thinking about improvements. Recall that for some reason the lower brake/turnsignal/backup lamp cluster was not Urban Chromed.
So, I needed to fix this issue. Hence I went alone and found some road legal/shaken-friendly dark film. But first, I had to tape off the lamp so I didn't end up scratching the paint as I cut the film.
This shows the difference in between how the Urban Chrome cluster on top looks so much darker.
And then comparing how the film would look.
And this is how it looked right after the film application.
Without the tape, it looks a bit dark from a distance, but this is indoors.
Outside, it looks like this. Pretty good, actually!
And the turn signal isn't too darkened.
But there was more I had to do. Although he meant well, I wasn't too keen on Midorikawa-san's creative making of the Nissan and VIP badging a bronze color.
It sounded good in concept, and while I will leave the VIP badging as is, since they only came in bright chrome (so the darker version is preferable), the Nissan badges came in Urban Chrome versions. I actually however wanted to get badging that was slightly darker than the OEM Urban Chrome badges, and Yahoo Auctions did not disappoint. So once I got the package, I removed the bronzed Nissan badges and reinstalled - I think this was the first time I had removed and reinstalled badges so this was fun.
The Bronze version |
Creative use of dental floss and a heat gun made it easy.
and here is the daker Urban Chrome Nissan badge.
Side by side, you can see the difference!
I like it!
And of course, I had to the same for the front too, but this required removing part of the grill.
And then it was as easy as removing the badge from the back.
All done!
So, now the coloring on the car is pretty good, and consistent with the Nismo look. But, there were a couple of mods I still need to do before this can be called completely Nismo'd. That I will talk about in my next post!